Welcome to my blog, Amazing Stories about Instincts and Intuitions. In the upcoming posts, I will share stories about the sixth sense; profound, incredulous, moments of perception, that began when I was a child. How does heightened perceptivity develop? Does fear and tragedy fortify or stymie our sixth sense? What do you think?
I’ve often thought of my intuition and instinct as guardians, fielding some very difficult issues and losses that occurred before I was eight. Most of my first out of ordinary experiences started with a feeling and knowing sense that something was “off” with what I was hearing and or witnessing.
In college, I read many books on spirituality and joined metaphysical groups to learn more. I began to distinguish an inner voice that spoke succinctly delivering streams of information. More out of ordinary experiences occurred. It was during these years I entered therapy, with a Jungian Analyst. I often refer to her as an “earth angel”. She taught me how to navigate through the intricate and exquisite world of the Subconscious Mind. I came to value intuitive wisdom, think metaphorically, and respect my inner voice. I learned to decode my dreams and in the process, I had some astonishing ones!
The ability to go into the depths; to salvage and reassemble parts of me, led to taking a turn in career paths. I left teaching and enrolled in a Master’s program to become a Family Therapist. My Graduate School Advisor and subsequent mentor, was a boundless fountain of information and provided invaluable resources, especially in regards to innovative people, and alternative approaches to effective communication and change. She was the guiding light who introduced me to Neuro-Linguistic Programming.
I enrolled in an intensive two year N.L.P. program after Graduate School, determined to use this methodology to create a bridge between The Conscious and Subconscious Minds., to incorporate both and traffic information smoothly, back and forth. N.L.P. provided concrete tools to refine and hone my skills and access the sixth sense. It also served as a catalyst to develop Of 2 Minds Counseling and Coaching services.
I hope reading about my personal history and extraordinary events, will further your understanding about the power of intuitive intelligence. Perhaps by sharing out of the ordinary experiences, you will feel more confident using the sixth sense, and build a sturdier belief system to support another realm of possibility.
I welcome your comments. If you have questions, and you want guidance resolving a personal or professional matter, click on the “Contact Me” page to set up an appointment
~ Stephanie ~
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